Busy Day on Stauffer
The birds woke me this morning at seven. How could I not get up and start the day.
Today was a Saturday just like mom Lena would have appreciated. Bedding to the laundry. If it weren’t so muddy the quilts would have been on the clothesline. The new vac came out from the attic steps. This was going to be its maiden run on the entire house. I could set the vac in the middle of the living room and hit all points from there. All furniture was moved and I swear I heard a dust bunny groan. When Dennis came in from the patio porch for more coffee I was just winding down.
I did put a new pad on the Swiffer and went under the beds. There was not enough lint, fuzz or whatever to amount to anything. Any other time, the Swiffer would have been loaded to the gills with the fuzz and lint from the flannel sheets and the flannel quilts. We have a keeper for a first floor vac.
After I made a short grocery trip run, I turned on the oven to make a pie. I had see the recipe on Facebook. Both Dennis and I like coconut. This recipe had few ingredients and using the Bisquick in the mix, it made its own crust. It is out of the oven and we will either be having a piece of coconut custard pie after supper or it will be coconut custard pudding. In hindsite I should have purchased whole milk rather than the 2% I did use. There is something to be said for the fat content in whole milk in making custards. Time will tell.
As the house was filling with the smells of the pie baking, I turned the light on in the sewing studio. My suede barn wall hanging is now completely sewn together awaiting the quilt batting and the backing. I made it specifically to fit in the stairwell coming down into the sewing studio. It will need quilting within each block for good adherence to the batting and backing.
That I haven’t figured out yet as the suede is a bit temperamental under the pressure foot and the needle. I may have to use my Teflon presser foot for easy gliding. As I mentioned I have not crossed that bridge as yet. Each of the twelve different style barns have their own unique quilt block in the gable of the roof. I see many actual barns that have plywood renditions of a quilt block on them. That stems from a time of long ago when slaves were fleeing to a safe haven. Those barns and buildings were like a code of safety. What goes around, comes around.
It’s about time to close down this sewing studio shop and think about supper. That is not my most favorite time of the day. The older I get, the less meal planning I enjoy doing. Let’s just get some veggies and protein in us and call it a meal. It’s time to close down this busy day.
The weekend is sunny and bright and I hope it stays around for a while. A friend of mine posted on Facebook that there are more storms coming from the west long about Tuesday and our area has 15″ on the map. Good grief!