Gray and Heavy Air
The bones felt the heavy air today. It was a good day to wear a heavy flannel shirt.
For the last two days, Dennis has been cleaning up some of the snow and getting it away from the patio porch. It would be great if we had a spring of not flooding the patio porch. Do the pluses of having the patio porch outweigh the possible flooding . . . absolutely.
Our home is small and as it works out, we each have our place where we can be alone and yet together. I have the sewing studio in the basement. Dennis has his porch where he is virtually outside with three sides of glass slider doors while he is inside in his rocking chair or swivel chair to keep an eye on all that is going on in the back part of the acre. I don’t fuss about the furnace going to keep it warm enough for him to enjoy his television programs. At the time in our lives that we are at . . . home and liking to be here is priceless.
We get pressured to travel to Arizona and spend time in Dennis’ son’s mobile home as his truck routes take him out for three weeks at a time. I would take Dennis to the airport and send him along his way if he wanted to go. Neither one of us has that on our bucket list. In fact we don’t have a bucket list.
Often we visit over a cup of coffee just how fortunate we are to have such a sweet life. I didn’t say it was without issues. I have a temper. Dennis has a temper. We agree to meet in the middle and start over. Any two people that are together and tout that they never disagree . . . I will call them out on that any day of the week. God didn’t make any two people alike. What He did do is give each of us a chance to learn how to live side by side, respecting each other and what makes the other unique. As I said . . . life is sweet.
We had an inkling to go shopping today. Well . . . we did but not by leaving the place. We had often mentioned how nice the shop vac is that we have in the garage and patio porch. It is a “Hang-Up Pro.” It is a wet and dry vac. It is small in shape and it has power. The heavy Filter Queen that is in the basement is great. I use it down there often. It is too heavy for me to safely bring it upstairs unless I know Dennis is close by. Amazon will be delivering a “Hang-Up Pro” on the 19th for us to keep on the main floor for use. We have the perfect spot for this 12″ 16 lb. cylindrical vac. Even with the price of $106.00 plus the $15.00 shipping fee we would not have found what we were looking for by driving to various spots in Mankato. We knew this would be a good fit for the house as Dennis has brought the vac in from the garage various times. Shopping . . . completed.
Tomorrow is a new week and hard telling what is in store. It sure keeps one guessing.