Can’t do Anything about the Cold
I put an extra layer of a sweater on today. The thermostat is set at 70 degrees and Dennis is in agreement. In the sewing studio today it cleared at 60 degrees. I don’t mind the cooler area. I am popping up and down consistently when I am on a roll.
The York Peppermint Patty candy bar box is empty. It was one of Dennis’ favorites after supper each night. This morning the two of us worked on making a pan of brownies. A few short-cuts and it remains a sweet treat with less sugar.
Dennis is on a five day program of Prednisone to take out the inflammation in his right hand. Prednisone has been around a long time to help for short term issues. When Kevin needed to take it for an occasional asthma attack it was welcomed. It is one of those meds that are not to be continued for a long time. I do remember that Kevin’s appetite increased dramatically while he was on the short program.
When I went down to the sewing studio this forenoon, the doorway into the room caught my eye. Good grief! Calendar pages do need to be swapped out for people to stay on track. Apparently the two of us loose track of time by the months. It seems we don’t miss appointments or important dates. We are for sure more than those that need to mark off each day in order to maintain their lifestyle.
Sadly our neighbors have ceased feeding the deer. It made me feel very good when Dennis said we would continue. The young females need our help if they are to have healthy babies in the coming months. Dennis did tell me we would be doing some yard work this spring as the deer have stepped some of the pavers off of the surround under the Maple tree. Now there you go! My thoughts of cutting back on flowers has just had the affirmation of the deer giving me a head start to tidy up the area. Oh for the seasons that are within us throughout the decades.
The good news for the night is that the north winds have settled down. Last night I felt that we would loose the roof on the west porch. It is also encouraging that daylight is lasting a bit longer. We’ll make it through this winter in good stead. When I watch the news of the weather that other portions of the United States are having . . . I feel blessed.