Hermit to the Max
With this colder weather, I am oh so happy that my spirit is that of a hermit. I may dash between the house and the patio porch to check on Dennis and the kittens but a dash is all it takes to satisfy me.
As I was growing up it was not unusual that Mom would perhaps not leave the farm for a week or more. Everything that was needed for our family of six was never in short supply. The staples that we needed for the home were purchased in large enough quantities . . . no crisis there. If Dad were going to town for feed concentrate or a repair part, he always checked in with Lena to see if he needed to stop at the grocery store.
In many regards I have become much like Mom. Contentment is my friend. If Dennis is gone for a weekend, I may be alone, but never lonely. More projects yet to be tried are at elbow length. Again, my staples for kitchen use and sewing use have been purchased in either large quantities at Sam’s Club in Mankato or dry goods gotten ahead of time for the sewing studio.
I can be like Mom when it comes to baking. The difference is that Dennis and I do not need the amount of baked goods that Mom went through when farmers needed to be fed. Every once in a while I do get on a spree of cookie baking. The freezer gets fed very well, as again, Dennis and I only need so many sweets at our finger tips.
Mom dwells within me when it comes to my kids. She never hesitated putting out questions as to how we were doing . . . and that went until she passed away. Mom was involved with her children. I work hard at knowing what level of involvement is required from my children. Good grief . . . if I could take the weight off of their shoulders on any given day . . . get out of my way. I believe that my children are stronger than I was at the age that they are now. There has been so much advancement in the world that they need to buck through while keeping their heads on straight.
Unbeknownst to most, I grieve. I grieve for the loss of loved ones that had so much more to share with me. Now isn’t that just a fine state of selfishness! I grieve that my children and their families have individual challenges that just don’t seem to be fair. I grieve because I feel so helpless.
No . . . being a hermit does not buy into the grieving. Being a hermit does give for moments of clarity. Clarity is what is needed to be on track for when family needs me. There is a ditty that runs through my mind sometimes . . . “Here I come to save the day! Mighty Mouse, aka: Grammie is on her way!”
Well . . . if nothing else, older people are fun to keep around as to the insights that sneak out of them once in awhile.