
In the past, Dennis really enjoyed checking out Facebook and playing various card games.  Dennis had his own Dell tower computer in the west porch of our home.  Not all interests remain from day to day.  Dennis has nested using the HP Notebook in our living room.  It may have been the move I was waiting for.  I have it totally covered by a purchased product via Best Buy.  Dennis has his favorite games on the HP and he doesn’t mess with going online.  I feel very comfortable that Dennis is comfortable using it.  

Good grief.  We do not need three viable computers in our 720 square foot home.  The porch Dell had never had any amount of data saved to it.  The Dell laptop in the sewing studio is a warrior.  I use it for checking on YouTube when I get stuck with stitching.  It has a fair amount of stitching designs on it.  Jeremy copied all of the family photos that I had collected on it over the twelve years I have had it.  I back it up every two weeks on a separate device . . . seems like a level of comfort for me.

I was going to fire up Dennis’ porch Dell and it seems something had gone south.  It looked as if it was doing fine until the screen went black and there were exclamation symbols filling the screen much like a screen saver.  Enough.  It is time to pare down.  The monitor was one that Kevin’s gave us.  I decided to unplug it and wait and see if we would take it to the Geek Squad or not.  I can’t see putting any money into it and most people don’t use tower computers . . . do they?  It seems to be all about the bells and whistles on the phones that can access anything on the world wide web.

Hello!  Our wireless Internet is hosted by that very same porch Dell.  January 2nd, Mediacom will be here to rig the Internet without the tower Dell. Live and learn.  All I need to do is keep the tower plugged in and on.  The gal on the phone was super wonderful and patient.  I am a firm believer that people my age shouldn’t dink around with computers, but dang I like using them.

Aunt Janet called today.  Janet is the only living sibling of eight that was my father’s family.  It’s always special when we visit.  Sharing memories . . . that’s right up my alley.