Stitch Luncheon

It may have been blustery and cold enough to intimidate, but us stitchers persevered.  We met at Baker’s Square in Mankato at Noon.  A little sharing of what has happened since last month and the enthusiasm struck where it may have been waning for each of us.

My sewing studio has been quite quiet since doing the barns with the quilt block gables.  I have been down there checking out new possibilities.  Today I took a swatch of velvet with me of the fabric that I have left over from the Santa restoration of February.  I received some great ideas.  Creating with what is on hand is my goal.  This time of year I am thinking of white snowflakes on the red velvet.  Hmm.

I think the food at Baker’s Square helps to bring out the creativity.  Today the Avocado on Toast topped with two eggs was something I would never get by making at home.  If I would put it on the table the first thing I would hear is “what is it” with never an intent of trying it.  Hmm, maybe adding ketchup would be the answer.

I had better close and rattle the kitchen to see what there will be for supper.  The entire time the afterglow of a wonderful day of sharing with comrades will linger.