
Amazing how much the snow has shrunk down with no sun to help it.  40 degrees still has power, but man oh man it is dreary out.

With no definite agenda for the day, I have managed to keep busy.  There was a certain mail slot that was annoying me.  The interior magnetic flap had fallen off in the past.  I couldn’t do the brown duct tape any longer.  Amazing how tackling one annoyance makes the spirits rise.  Laundry is done, fresh bedding is on and I am winding down.  

It is an oven meal for us this evening.  Chopped and cubed leftover pork roast out of the freezer made a handsome pasta for supper.

Carrie sent home multiple Trump signs with Dennis yesterday.  This afternoon he is spreading and sharing the joy.  Gotta love that guy.  He is either making friends this afternoon or his usual coffee spot will be off limits to him.