They Did Warn Us

They did say snow was coming.  I don’t think we were expecting such a huge dump for the first snow.  It started yesterday late afternoon.  It wasn’t quite done yet at lunch time today.  Talk about wet.  Those stalwart leaves hanging on for dear life, didn’t stand a chance.  With brisk winds they danced across the snow.  I could almost hear the Sugar Plum Fairy tune as I watched them.

First-SnowDid Dennis wait to see how much of it would stick onto the concrete as it still held some warmth?  NO! He was at it full force.  I didn’t even think of commenting that a warmer cap or waterproof boots might be a good thing.  I let it go.  Just like the Disney’s Frozen movie song . . . “Let it go . . . let it go.”  A guy has to do what a guy has to do.

It was difficult for me to put my hands in my pockets to resist going out and pushing snow.  I put my energies into cleaning the refrigerator.  Our refrigerator can be gutted like a 20 lb. turkey.  Every shelf and drawer comes out.  All the shelves on the door can be removed.  Suds and hot water was all I needed to get everything washed and swiped.  The difficult portion of it was getting it all back inside. 

When Dennis came in from blowing the driveway off he had a puzzled look on his face as one of the chairs from the dining room was in front of the open refrigerator.  It was easier sitting and being at a lower level to manipulate some of the interior shelves and such rather than bending the neck and twisting the shoulders.

Let’s just say, we both met our objectives for the day.  Yup, fair warnings need to be heeded.  Umph!  What . . . no Indian summer?