Not Quite Yet

Well . . . not quite the outcome I had anticipated in regard to my eye appointment.  It seems that there is still more healing going on from the cataract surgery of October 7th.  That is not unusual.  The pressure behind the eye had been 39 on the 8th of October.  Today that pressure is at 27.  Ideally 20-21 will be the indicator that I am ready for new eyeglass lenses.  I have waited this long, another two weeks . . . I can do.  Let’s do this right!

My-HelperKevin and Kersten had brought over a magnifier some time ago.  It has been one of my best helpers for seeing things and keeping things in perspective.  The computer screen is a no-brainer as I can easily increase the screen appearance.  Seeing the amount due on a bill . . . that needs my helper.  It will be in service just a bit longer.

The wind roared last night to no end.  I believe the end of the wind is forecast to be supper time this evening.  Anything not nailed down has been rearranged.  I don’t do raking of the leaves, but I know after a bit Dennis will be using the rider to do some mulching.

Dennis has prepared supper for this evening.  A chicken pasta hotdish always fills the bill.  Rotisserie cubed chicken, Penne pasta, cream cheese, Alfredo sauce and a package of frozen mixed vegetable that has been diced . . . perfect.  The best part is that he does his dishes up after the prep is done.  We love oven meals.