A Sharing Day

Today was our monthly luncheon in Mankato for fellow stitchers.  Baker’s Square is very accommodating for groups that linger over their lunches.  It is very enjoyable to meet and catch up with what the others have dipped their toes in, in regard to new ideas, new patterns and challenges.  It’s good to share with kindred friends.

I drove in rain all the way to Mankato this morning and the return drive at five this afternoon was not any different.  Dennis reported that the rain had been off and on for the entire day.

I stopped for groceries in Mankato.  This morning was a first for Dennis in our home.  There was no Folgers coffee grounds . . . at all.  I fixed him an R.W. cup of coffee.  The tea kettle was put on and Dennis had a cup of instant Folgers coffee.  Mom and Dad drank the instant all the time.  I doubt that the huge tea kettle was ever empty as it sat on the back electric burner of the kitchen range.  You wanted to come over for a chat, the instant cup of coffee appeared in a matter of a heartbeat.  Since I have not drank much coffee of late, I had lost track of the grounds.  Tomorrow all will be back on schedule. 

I had a message on my phone this afternoon.  Tomorrow at 11:30 I will be at the eye clinic ready to be measured up for lenses for my glasses.  Lordy, Lordy, I am ready.  It has been a learning experience and also an appreciation of those who deal with less than good vision . . . all the time.

I did notice that with the leaves being soaked today and that we have had several mornings of frost that was heavy enough to turn shingles white . . . there will be fluttering of leaves non-stop.