It is Decided and it’s a Good Thing

Dennis has made a departmental decision here on Stauffer Avenue.  The back of his little red pickup speaks to that.  It is loaded to the hilt.  Towards the end, even Snuggles had a hard time snooping around, in and out of the contents.

Dennis’ son Jeff is an alcoholic, has been for most of the last thirty years.  What has changed is that Jeff used to be a quiet alcoholic.  His temperament had changed and now he is an angry alcoholic.  Dennis contacted his daughter Sussie in Silver Bay.  Sussie has agreed to take the remainder of Jeff’s belongings that have been in our back garage for the last ten years.  Where did these belongings come from?

In the early 1980s Dennis’ three out of the five children participated in the Minnesota High School Rodeos.  Susie, Kenny and Jeff were fortunate to have the experience.  Jeff went on to the national finals.  Jeff was awarded a custom made saddle in 1983, multiple awarding winning belt buckles and other trophies.  Leather chaps and too numerous items have been in Dennis’ care for too long.  That saddle and all the trimmings of rodeo days have been in our back garage.  Dennis had made a stand for the saddle out of a fifty gallon barrel and a steel stand.  Susie has agreed to take ownership of all of it as she was right there along with her dad and her brothers.  Dennis wanted to made sure the items remained in the family in the event that someday Jeff will remember them.

Dennis no longer wants anything in our home to entice or provoke Jeff.  Jeff’s last visit was very hard on Dennis as Jeff was physically and mentally abusive towards Dennis.  It isn’t the physical hurt, but the emotional hurt that a child can inflict when they are drunk.

Tomorrow is Sunday and Dennis and his buddy Lyle will be taking off for Silver Bay to see Susie.  The icing on the cake will be seeing granddaughter Erin and her three little ones.  It will be a good visit before there are chances of snow and ice. 

I am proud of how Dennis is handling this.  It’s a good thing.