A Marathon Type of Day

We may start out a bit slow in the mornings but we pick up speed as the day goes on.

My first task this morning was to walk the length of Stauffer Avenue to visit my friend June.  June happens to live at the end of Stauffer Avenue.  Sitting at her kitchen table we had a great catch up chat.  I had taken my Diamond Willow cane with me just in case the right hip wanted to cause a glitch.  The hip played nice to and from June’s house.

Dennis had it in his mind that we were going to get some winterizing done today.  The remaining week has been forecast to be anything but nice.  Neither Dennis nor I like to work outside when our hands can get cold.

Here we are at suppertime and we have had a great day.  Everything that was outside, not meant to be out in the winter weather, is inside the potting shed.  The last item that went in was the patio umbrella.  Amen.  Both Dennis and I have decided that there will be some heavy items offered to family members next spring.

All of the garden hoses have been blown out, reeled in onto the hose carriage and the hose carriage is now in the garage.

The bathroom windows needed to be cleaned from the outside and they now sparkle in the late day sun.

The kitty baskets have been taken apart with the blankets having been on the clothesline for the brisk wind to freshen them up.  Of course Snuggles had to try each of the baskets out after Dennis put them back together to make sure he had done it right. 

I had a four o’clock physical therapy appointment for the right hip.  Mike T had a chance to see how the hip is doing after having a busy day of being out and about.  My next appointment is the 23rd of this month.  I am to do anything and everything that is usual and customary to see how the hip takes it.  There is one tight ridge of tendon and muscle not playing well together.  Taking it one day at a time with walking and doing what comes about each day will be the tell tale when the 23 appointment is kept.  I am hopeful the hip will take my days in stride with what each day brings so I get a “Get out of Jail” pass for the fall and winter.

Dennis requested pancakes and Jimmy Dean sausages for supper.  That is a fare that we have not had in a long time and I am just the gal to deliver that request.  Catch you tomorrow and I hope it is a dry day and that the forecasters were being alarmists.  No more marathon days this week.