It Feels Good

A session of 45 minutes with physical therapy this morning.  It may sound odd, but it feels good to have both of my hips feeling the burn equally after having gotten the front yard mowed with my push lawnmower.  To not have just the right hip feeling . . . the workout is definitely moving into the right direction.  Mike T has always allowed me to know that pushing a lawnmower is a good thing.  The lunging forward with each step stretches the ham strings in a good way to get that lawnmower moving.  One session next week has been scheduled . . . much better than three a week.  My chiropractor appointment is stretched out two and a half a week . . . also showing signs of good improvement.  The chigger medication is allowing for the legs to be less sensitive to the touch.  Hell’s bells . . . I think we’ve got this ole body under control.  It does give the patience factor a workout.

Dennis vowed that this mowing session would be the last for the summer of 2019.  More rain may allow the grass the heft to grow a bit, but the blades of the grass are soft and wily.  While the potting shed doors were open I did put a few of the lawn ornaments away.  A bit here, a bit there is better than having a hell bent type of day.

As I was finishing up outside, neighbor June was wrapping up her daily walk and she stopped for some chatting.  June is several years older than I am.  June is a widow.  I admire her for her determination.  For myself, it helps to have a neighbor that faces challenges with much the same determination as myself.  It’s a good thing. 

It’s the close of the day and everything feels right and everything feels good.  Bless be this day!