Spread a Little Thin

When Megan would stay with us as a toddler, she loved butter bread.  She would let me know when I had spread the butter a little thin . . . thin to her liking.

Yesterday as I was at our family doctor’s, getting the pre-op done for the cataract surgery and also requesting the ointment for the chigger legs, I got a bit of a lecture.  I had been spreading myself a bit too thin . . . or in medical terms . . . physical and mental sensory overload.

Our bodies never lie to us.  I have not been listening to it.  I had begun doing something about the neck and shoulder issues of the late winter.  I had begun doing something about the ham string connection to the pelvic bone issues of the late winter.  What ensued was multiple tests and scans to begin unraveling the mess with appointments back to back many times.  One eye surgery shucked in the middle of this, leaving some challenges in my eyesight, with the other eye’s surgery pending.

The unfortunate thing of walking through grasses that held chiggers was bad luck.  When I planned on going to the four day retreat in Iowa and then completing the retreat . . . that was the frosting on top of my three layer chocolate cake. 

My hermit lifestyle had been shattered much like an ice cube being thrown on a slab of cement.  It was all too much at one time and the immune system decided to buck and buck and it did in grand style, thus giving me a visual tint in regard to the red chigger bites not diminishing.

My doctor is a wise man.  He knows Dennis and I well enough to know that many things for Dennis’ medical well-being falls on me.  I got the full brunt of his wisdom.  I need to take things that alter my usual and customary quiet lifestyle at a bit slower rate, rather than piling it all on much like taking a cream pie and flinging it onto a wall to see how much of it will stick. 

Never too old to learn.  Isn’t that the the best part of life.  And . . . you want to know the best part . . . age has nothing to do with events such as what I have just shared.  That’s one for the books and as usual that is the first thing that is spewed.

As I enjoy spreading that next piece of peanut butter toast, guess what will be going through my mind.