What a Day

I started by getting the bedding into the laundry.  Dennis was going to wash off the outside of the house.  When the neighbor who was visiting his dad to the south of us came over and asked if we needed help with anything . . . the day went crazy.

Tree-Trimming_640xYes . . . there were branches of the crab apple tree touching the shingles.  Yes, there were dead lilac branches touching the shingles.  Three load of branches out to the tree dump later and much raking of the smaller annoying branches having hit the burn barrel . . . Oh my gosh!  Matt was at the chainsaw and neighbor Jan came over as it was too nice of a day to stay in the house. 

House-Cleaning_640xIt was sometime later that Dennis got back to washing off the house and I got back to the laundry. 

What a day on Stauffer Avenue for the two older ones.