Too Funny

I love it when Dennis participates in retail shopping.  It’s as if I am watching a child take its first steps.

There was a time in the recent past that Dennis had a challenge being on his feet for any length of time.  I was the detail person for hunting down items in a store.  I have since talked Dennis into taking the motorized carts when they are available.  

Today a trip to Mankato had several items on the list that needed Dennis to make the decisions as to what would come home with us.  We love the CNS Supply.  It has everything.  I checked out what I wanted to look at and Dennis got to pick out a new grease gun.  The grease gun he has been fighting with was the type that had the rubber hose to inject the grease via the hose.  Dennis wanted a ratchet type.  

As we were looking around I was in the market to get him a new blue chambray shirt.  How special to put on a shirt such as that with no grease or paint stains.  Dennis wanted to trump that.  He was looking at the western shirts with the snaps on them.  Dennis feels less than good when he can no longer get the tiny shirt buttons put into the tiny button holes.   I agreed, the snaps would be worth a try.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a reaction in Dennis that made me afraid.  I panicked when I didn’t see anything for Dennis to sit down on.  My ole cowboy dang near fainted when he saw the price of the western shirts with the snaps.  He decided that maybe a blue chambray would be a better buy.  Guess what?  Both shirts were within several dollars of each other.  How could shirts be $35.00 to $39.00!   The cool looking George Strait western was $50.00.  Too funny.

My ole cowboy is economically challenged.  Bless his heart.  He picked out a great western shirt and dang, as luck would have it . . . we realized that the next time he needs to try a shirt on as the western cut shirt is a bit different that the shirts hanging in his closet.  Not to worry, we will get him fitted and he will see if the snaps are easier to operate than the buttons.