It Has Been Good

Today is Saturday, the third day of being at Lone Rock’s Quilted Steeple.  I have no idea what the weather has been.  I have come out from the parsonage about 8:30 in the mornings and have not returned until almost midnight each evening.  

Retreat-ResultsWould I enjoy doing this often . . . probably not.  I enjoy my home too much to live out of totes and containers when the sewing urge hits.  I was able to pack everything for what was needed on my plans for completion.  I knew the patch work quilt blocks would continue to be a work in progress long after this weekend.  I did get one bag and two wallets done in cork.  It was the first time I had bought zippers by the yard and made the three lengths that this bag needed.

Some of the nine gals who are here this weekend have been doing several retreats a year since 2017.  From the sounds of it, some of the locations have been quite meager.  At the Quilted Steeple it has been like an extension of a favorite aunt’s home.  Who knew there would be soft water to shower in!

Cutting-TableI feel special to have a Bernina sewing chair for comfort when stitching in my sewing studio.  There are 14 of those red beauties with 14 long church tables that support the vibrating of the machines here in the church basement.  It is air conditioned with mega power strips for each table and an additional intensity lamp.   There are several cutting tables that are of a good height.  The ultimate is a cutting table that is operated by a remote to raise and lower the height for comfort.  One of the gals here used to own a quilt shop and that table would retail for $4,500.  Amazing.  Also amazing is how tricked out this facility is. 

I am not prejudging if I will take in another retreat.  There are some who have no spouses, no children or grandchildren.  I feel fortunate to have gotten to know new personalities in various lifestyles with fuzz and thread being the common denominator. 

As sweet as this has been, home on Sunday evening will be most appreciated.