It Can Get Busy

Even hot days such as this one, can get busy.  Check the calendar and it tells all.

Physical therapy was first thing this morning.  Good open dialog about the right hip . . . when I mentioned that the hip and me were doing fine right up until a glitch would hit and then it was right down nasty to get to a safe destination and sit . . .”You need to get an x-ray of the hip.”  Mike did do deep tissue massage and I will see him again on Thursday morning.  I have contacted our family doctor and shared with him as to why the request for an x-ray.  I am waiting to hear back as to when that will be.  Does anything of this surprise me?  Not really.  My ole farmer body has been incubating arthritis since . . . forever. 

Let us just put all that talk about a hip aside for right now.  Nothing can be done about it right now.  There are more pressing things that need to be done right now.

This afternoon I have done some packing.  Some time ago, I signed up for a sewing retreat that includes the gals that I have lunch with once a month in Mankato.  As of right now the sewing machine and all the goodies that I will need to work on some chosen projects is packed.  After Thursday morning’s physical therapy appointment I am heading straight south on Minnesota State Highway #15 for about 75 miles.  The location is the Quilted Steeple in Lone Rock, Iowa.  I will check in at Noon on Thursday and check out at one on Sunday.  It is a privately owned property that sponsors weekend events and it’s apparently in the middle of nowhere.  The sleeping quarters are in the parsonage.  This group of gals includes nine.  I have known three of the gals and it will be interesting to meet some new stitchers. 

Is there a right time to do something like this . . . no.  One can talk yourself out of almost anything.  I have not been  on a retreat since I was 15 and St. Paul’s Luther League in Stewart, Mn., took in a weekend event at Northfield, Mn.

I have lists up the wah-zoo!  Wednesday as I am at my chiropractor appointment in Madelia those lists will be spinning.  Dennis has been oh so supportive for me to do this.  He feels a change of scenery is just what is needed after being retired for ten years and having been diligent here on Stauffer Avenue. 

I am off to have a supper date with Dennis and I will have more information as to what my lists entail tomorrow.  It is time to close down this busy mind.