Love the Breeze

I have windows open on all four sides of our home.  I know it is unreasonable, but could we please have this until Halloween!

I took a long walk this morning down Stauffer Avenue and made a whip around the entire block.  It’s more like going for a mile walk as there are no allies. 

I stopped in to see June.  We had said we would share phone numbers quiet a while back.  June is 78 and has never had a driver’s license.  Why wouldn’t I want her to give me a call if she needs to run an errand!  She generally bides her time when her sons are done working for the day.  Sometimes, waiting may not be what is needed.  We did catch up and then I headed down and around the gravel street.

As I got around the back side of Stauffer which is 2nd Street, I popped in to see Genevieve.  Genevieve is 84 and quite mobile.  In times past, her and Dennis’ sister were close friends before Dennis’ sister and her husband moved to Alexandria.  I did want to let her know that Dennis’ sister was quite ill.  Oh my!  After a half hour I kept inching towards the back door and Genevieve kept right up with me, step for step.  It was not to be a quick visit.  She had more to talk about than I could believe.

As I was about to cut across Chuck and Bonnie’s yard to head for home, Chuck just happened to come outside.  I had to put the bladder pressure on hold to visit a bit with Chuck.  He was just getting over the Shingles and I did commiserate with him.   

By the time I got home, Dennis had been watching down Stauffer Avenue to see if I was indeed coming home.  I have threatened on occasion to run away from home.  Who needs to go off to have coffee for a meet and greet in a restaurant!  All that is needed in our neighborhood is a “stop in.”

It was not a bad way to spend a morning and it did take the itch out of me to try and do some stitching or reading.  Right now television is more like listening than watching.  Good grief it’s hard to be patient and even more to the point . . . how much I had taken for granted the eyesight that allowed me to be ME!  This morning I had a great time shooting the breeze with the neighbors. 

By the way . . . how wonderful to be able to enlarge the computer screen size to 150%.