When I click on these photos to enlarge them, I reflect on the decision to have the large square garden tilled up in the fall of 2018. I am still happy about it. Each year we fought with ground that was flooded about the time the plants were thriving. Each year, I would wear myself out keeping the weeds at bay. Each year plants need to be relocated that were getting too aggressive. This year I am going to be content to watch the tiny spears of grass appear from the seeds that Dennis and I put down last fall and this early spring. As those spears head out, the carpet of green will become more lush. We still have plenty of area to work our whiles on. Hosta may come up. Hosta may not make it over the winter. Whatever happens, I know I am going to be content with what I have to tend. That has been a huge part of being who I am at this stage in my life. I am content with what I have.