My Day

In several ways, it’s “My Day.”  There are routines to follow after my feet have hit the floor.  Padding off to the bathroom is the very first on the list.  Having had bladder augmentation surgery some time ago, the first instruction I received from the doctors was to never allow pressure to be felt in the bladder.  Get the business over with before pressure can bring other problems.  Ya, I kind of had that happen years ago.  It took a good stint in Mayo at Rochester.  That . . . I do not have time for that in my schedule.

75th Noreen (Small)But anyway, as I was saying, my day took me on a great two-mile walk in the morning sunshine.  It may have been 30 degrees out, but I didn’t feel the temperatures.  I was feeling good.  Today was my 75th birthday.  I don’t feel my 75 years.  I am not sure how old I feel, but it is not 75!  That does get me in trouble every once in awhile.  Over the winter months I promised myself to act my age in regard to some of the physical things that I think I can manage.  That brings me to my chiropractic schedule for some stiff muscles in the top of my shoulders and my neck.  Yup, I am going to get my neck back in good shape.  Think it through, Grammie.  

Often on my birthday, I think back on what Mom was doing when she was the age that I am currently celebrating.  There ya go!  Lena didn’t act her age either.  It must be in the genes.  I am going to be careful with spring yard work.  The huge flower garden is either going to sprout grass after being tilled up or it will have more grass seed spread on it.  I have many quests to pursue.  If I keep the physical and the mental activity balanced . . . it’s going to be a good thing.  My children and their families need to feel secure in their own minds that mom is doing good.  Now, that in itself is a quest that I am definitely on.  Their lives and their wellbeing mean more to me than my own.  That . . . may be a telling sign of me being 75 years young.