It’s Real

It’s a real bummer of a February.  Who bothers with the news first thing?  For me, it is turning my computer on and looking at the weather for St. James.  Today that forecast prompted me to get up and moving to get some errands done uptown.  Snowfall and blowing winds were the impetus.  The streets are ice packed and when you think you are looking at a bare street surface, it is 100% the solution to break through the ice. 

It was nice to get some groceries in the house.  It was my quest to use up as much of what there was in the refrigerator and freezer as possible before replenishing.  I did have a list and maintained the route around the perimeter . . . less the bakery.  My goal: When I have breakfast, it is to break the fast from not having eaten since the night before.  I choose to break that fast with something other than pure carbohydrates.  Oh the memories of donuts for breakfast, super sweet.  Today I broke the fast with a chicken from the oven in the grocery store.  I was finishing up my grocery shopping and they were just filling the oven with chickens ready to purchase.  It was good!  I made it through the wings and a drumstick.  What’s not to like about chicken for breakfast.

I did make it home before the 35 mph winds and fresh snow descended. 

Today was the real deal when it came to doing our 2018 income taxes.  Why put it off.  We have used TaxAct for several years.  Ours is not a complicated return as we have no deductions.  The standard deduction of $24,000 does us well.  We are both over 65, so it adds another $2,000.  It does frost my ass that we still have to pay taxes proportionately on our Social Security income.  It has already been taxed once.  Dah!  I did have to reach out to Dennis in California, as I did not have his driver’s license number.  I don’t remember having to include that last year, but then I don’t commit income tax info longer than it takes to e-file it and print it out.

Today when I cleared off the back door to get the livestock chores done, the cold bit and it bit hard.  Worse than any day this winter.  Maybe I have become more sensitive than when it was November.