A ‘What if’ Wallet

There has been some interest deep within my gray matter of trying some new venues within the world of threads and fuzz.  I have no plans of abandoning anything that has deep roots in my sewing studio.  I just need to know if I can pull off some things that I see on several closed Facebook sites that I have joined.  Expanding horizons is always a good thing.  

I have made several successful bags complete with the appropriate hardware.  What is the biggest tease for me right now is the cork fabric that is about in fabric stores and on sites.  I plunked around with it at Christmas time and made several sets of drink coasters.  I was curious as to how it would feed through the feed dogs and what type of needle it would take.    

A Wallet

A rough sample of a new project. No new materials were sacrificed for this sample. I do know what it will take for the real deal. Stay tuned.

I have a piece of cork fabric and I am going to attempt to make a wallet for Nicholas.  I found a pattern online and copied the pattern pieces and the instructions.  It was all laid out and I couldn’t bring myself to cut into the cork.  I decided on making a sample using some canvas.  I took it slow and made notes as I went.  The pattern called for a wallet with just an area for bills and credit cards.  Hmm.  I wanted to put in a coin purse.  More notes.  I am not displeased with the sample.  I learned a lot.  The coin purse area turned out well with enough expansion for a reasonable amount of coins.  I do want to make the back side of the magnetic snap that closes the coin purse look a bit more desirable.  This was enough for me today.  I feel braver knowing the steps, the seam allowances and by all means take it slow.  Tomorrow is another day.

I will share with you what I touched on yesterday about the ole cowboy and his remarkable traits.  Dennis always knows what time of day it is for meals.  Not so much that he is hungry, he just lives by the clock.  There is a schedule . . . it has to be honored. 

When I am butt deep in working though things in the sewing studio, I do not have the clock on my mind.  I do not think about what is going on anywhere but what is right in front of me.  I do not care what needs to be put on the table that will then be called a meal.  I totally get into what I am working on and hoping to achieve. 

Generally, before twelve Noon and before five in the afternoon, I can hear it.  It’s like volume that is on high.  It’s Dennis!  The clanking of dishes being put on the table.  The silverware drawer being opened and closed several times.  There may be multiple times in and out of the refrigerator.  I hear it all.  It’s time!  It’s a meal time!  Without fail I will be ask how long it will be before I come upstairs.  Bless his heart.  No way can I put him off, nor put off meal time.  No way will I discourage him from helping as it may be that before long he won’t offer to help with anything.  Do I need to remind you he loves to wash dishes that we dirty from these meals?  Yup, most likely it is healthy for me to take a break from the sewing studio.  It’s a good thing.