Being Frugal, Having Curiosity Go Hand in Hand

In times past we had room darkening shades that were a fairly heavy vinyl with a flannel backing. When the rollers gave out I saved all the lengths of vinyl.


Breaking new ground. An unsuccessful attempt.

I am dipping my toe into making custom bags. Hmm. Out came the length of vinyl. I have a pattern that is called “Hobo Bag.” After checking out all the pattern pieces I thought it would be worth a try to put my monogram on the front of the bag. With my first try, the stitching tore through the vinyl and the backing did not support the design.


Success! It just takes a bit of ingenuity and patience.

Out came more stabilizer and I included a film topping that would also give more support. Both techniques were on scraps. It was obvious that the latter choice would work. Having success with the scraps, I will tackle the front piece of the bag that has been cut out of the pattern.