When this ole hen gets rousted off the roosts before six a.m. it is rare . . . and I have decided I don’t like it. I don’t always get to do what I want when I want it, so that calls for sucking it up and literally putting on my big girl bloomers. I hate driving for several hours in tight clothing . . . just saying.
There is a portion of the world that is looking forward to going hunting for Bambi tomorrow. My sewing machine technician in Bird Island did have a full slate and I was penciled in at 9:00 a.m., take it or leave it. With daylight saving time starting this weekend, I knew that this was my best option of having my sewing machine serviced as sleet, rain and snow was forecast in the week coming. I would either drive in the dark this morning or perhaps be driving in the dark next week with less than good roads in the late afternoon. For this one time getting up early obviously didn’t hurt me.
Visiting with Amanda and hubby Kelly is a treat while he works on the sewing machine. I always come away with several good tidbits of using the machine to the fullest. I think it will be a long time before I have crafted all the options available.
I surprised Kevin when I hit his shop at 11:00 a.m. and I was already on my way home. We had a great visit and getting home a little after 12 Noon felt good having hit the targets that were set for the day. Dennis had kept the home fires going and being greeted by the four footed occupants of the patio porch was a plus. Who doesn’t like to be missed when you are gone for a portion of the day?
The sewing machine is back in the sewing studio, plugged in awaiting some stitching for perhaps tomorrow. It was noted on the repair slip that the needle has stitched 315 hours to date. I have met the list of dish towels that Dennis wanted for his daughters and granddaughters for their gathering the day after Thanksgiving. They are stacked, wrapped and bagged. I am already working on a few other creative projects that I have had on my to-do list. That list will also need to be worked into the washing of windows in our home. Sunshine is wonderful. When looking through dust- and corn chaff-laden dirty windows, sunshine feels like a punishment.
It is a treat to have leftover hotdish for supper.