I want more days such as we have had today. Dennis and I came in for a bite of lunch at noon and headed right back outside. It does pay to stand back and take a look at what has happened over decades in our backyard. What was I thinking of having rocks, some quite huge, amongst the perennials? Out came the aluminum scoop shovel. Get the rock on the shovel and start pulling! My rock pile at the north side of the base of the large Maple still has some class as the arrangement of the rocks was “just right.”

Autumn Joy plants need full sun to come into their own to bloom and attract butterflies. God willing they will survive the transplant, maybe for not the best of this fall’s showing, but it is all about the roots when it comes to perennials. It’s 6:30 and I am so thankful I have potato salad fixed that can be put with a hamburger patty and call it supper. We may be weary and whipped but a good day on Stauffer makes it all worthwhile.