It seems as though with the water situation it has been hard to keep track of what day of the week it is. This noon as Dennis and I were having lunch, you couldn’t help but notice all the traffic going by in search of where the city celebrations were taking place. I asked Dennis if he wanted to take some of the activity in . . . “No.” I feel the same way. I felt the same way yesterday, I feel the same way today, and I know I will feel the same way tomorrow and beyond. I ask him point blank if that was a bad thing for the two of us . . . Dennis felt it was not. If our family thinks that we have become too much of homebodies, or if they have any opinion on this, they will need to speak out. Silence is consent. Dennis and I may well continue being on Stauffer Avenue and doing what makes us happy and that apparently is . . . being on Stauffer Avenue in our home.

For myself, I enjoy people and I can interact with people on many levels, i don’t often seek people out. My world is far from small. My activities are quite varied and it has been known to expand from time to time within reason as to the amount of my resources and the physical area the interest may take.

Indepth soul searching is important to do from time to time. Taking stock of what is around you . . . is it a positive or is it a negative. I always have the ability to adjust it or change it. It’s not as if I have a timeline. I have today, the entire 24 hours.