Proof of Spring
Color is popping up and there is no way that there is only one color or shade of green. After a workout yesterday . . . my body told me this morning that I would be better off passing on the two mile walk. My hips felt loose in their sockets. By the time I had vacuumed the patio porch, blew off the patio from the night’s rain and had several cups of coffee . . . I felt better. During the night there was thunder and lightning and I hope the last of the tree seeds have fallen that had covered the patio this morning. If the humidity and heat is as predicted, I will take it one day at a time for the walking. Last year on a hot humid day, I had overdone it. I called Dennis’ daughter Sandy to stop on her way home from the clinic. No . . . it wasn’t my heart, it was dehydration to the max. I have spoke of it in the past and it bears repeating . . . I do need to slow down a bit and give myself permission to take a day off once in a while. Hey . . . my sewing studio is the perfect place to take the heat and humidity while still making a contribution to the day the Lord has given me.