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  • Noreen 3:32 pm on October 17, 2024 Permalink  


    This wind is brutal.  The wind gets under the mail flap and lifts it just enough so it bangs.  I have lached the side door of the car garage as the wind bangs it open and shut.

    I was out to see Dennis by nine this morning as there was a physicians assistant to make the rounds this morning.  I left at noon and reached out via the computer when I got home.  I found the answer when the message was answered.  At the time Dennis is discharged from Good Samaritan, that day they will send a prescription for a shower stool for him.

    I watched Dennis as he got in and out of bed.  Sunday Amazon will be delivering an assist for his bed.  It was the only one on Amazon’s site that had a hand hold for assistance like he has been using.  It reaches 30 inches under the mattress and then there is a strap that attaches at the end of that 30 inches and then goes the rest of the way across the mattress, then travels under the bed to then attach to the backside of the assist.  There is no chance of any wiggle room by the patient.  The brand name had the word “King” in it.  It has a lot of bells and whistles for height adjustment.

    I came home with such a backache, I thought I had broken it.  The extra chair in Dennis’ room should be put out to the curb as a give-a-way.    


    Oh my gosh!  I just had the biggest surprise that stopped in for a visit.  Jeff’s wife from Alabama, x-wife, to see me.  She is also going to stop in and see Dennis for a hello.  Her parents own a home here and it may be time to begin deciding what to do with it.  A sweet gal.  A very special visit.

    Well . . . my back feels better.

    I think I have laundry that needs to be swapped out.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:04 pm on October 16, 2024 Permalink  

    Hump Day 

    It’s now official, the month of October is half over.

     I spent a good amount of time with Dennis this morning.  I visited with both of the gals that are doing PT with Dennis.  This coming Saturday will be two weeks that Dennis has had his hip replaced.  He has been at Good Samaritan a week yesterday.  The report is that he is in good spirits and very cooperative.  They have assigned places in the dining room.  The social worker also gave him good reviews.  They wished he wouldn’t get in and out of his room on his own, mainly the bathroom, and he doesn’t use the call light.  I asked them if the call light would be used would someone be in his room in 5-10 minutes?  Hmm . . . no, most likely a half hour.  Well . . . hello!

    I was queried as to what the family has given thought to.  Would we like to see Dennis stay until they thought he was ready to go home or go home when we felt he was ambulatory.  I allowed them to know the family has not discussed that as yet.  I did share my thoughts that recovery in the their own home always makes for a patient of good mind.  When I shared that I had had open heart surgery on a Thursday and was home before dark on Saturday, they both just looked at each other.

    Food for thought.

    Monday Dennis has an eye injection in Mankato.  Upon hearing that they will start working with Dennis on the ease of transport.  Denise said she would take him.  Sweet!  Dennis eyes have really done well.  He even passed his driver’s eye test without his glasses when he went in right after his birthday.  We already had missed the injection on the 7th.  It is important.  I know I can drive.  I know I can handle myself.  I do not want to take a chance of being in charge of myself as well as Dennis.

    Box-TopYesterday afternoon and into the evening I worked with the canon camera and the HP.  Thank goodness for YouTube.  Thank goodness . . . I got it!  Whew!  I know Nicholas would have had it fixed in a heart beat.  Sooooo, I can share with you the progress I have made on the cover of Ester Schafer’s wooden circular box.  I have quite a bit of hand sewing to do.  It feels good to have a solution on the raw finish of the counted stitch fabric.  I have my clips holding the bias tape I have made.  If I take a day to ponder it, I may sew the inner ring of the bias tape with my sewing machine.  I will make sure if I do, that I do a practice piece for the right stitch and the length of said stitch.

    With this day having been good, and dusty, I was going to tip in two windows of my bedroom porch tomorrow and give them a wash.  On second thought, a rain shower would really help.  I may wait a day or two.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:33 pm on October 15, 2024 Permalink  

    Dusty Tuesday 

    I don’t ever remember Stauffer Avenue being this dried out and dusty.  Yuk!

    This morning there was white frost everywhere.  Windshields needed more than a quick wipe.  

    Dennis and I visited this morning after breakfast.  His little PT gal mentioned that right now, he has her undivided attention.  I gathered that good workouts twice a day was Dennis’ schedule.  I am hoping that that may mean a good recovery.

    I have been enjoying the salad kits in the produce department of our grocer’s.  My favorite one is the Cesare’s Kit.  Several types of lettuce, a package of grated cheese, very favorable pepper mixture and dressing.  I usually eat my meal for the day in mid afternoon.

    I have hand sewing that I brought up from the studio today.  The wooden box project is now going by the seat of my pants.  I made a length of bias tape out of the same fabric I lined the box in.  I finally had the nerve to cut the stitched top of the box’s cover this morning.  Sitting at the dining room table I am going to hand sew the bias tape to the edge of the stitching.  That step will take me some time as my hands haven’t done much hand stitching in quite a while.  It is the step that will make or break the appearance.  I have cut some quilt batting to put under the stitching to give it some poof when I get that far.  Decisions, decisions.

    After this posting, I am going to work once again on encouraging my canon camera to make nice with the HP.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥


  • Noreen 2:18 pm on October 14, 2024 Permalink  


    It is cloudy enough that it looks like it could rain.  I checked and there is nothing on the horizon.  I think it is just dust and pollen.

    Today I began putting clothing back in the cabinet that is now in the living room.  Slow going as there may be items that no longer need to take up the space.  No, it’s not going to get done in this one day.

    I did crack open the east slider door in the patio porch as I am not sure if Harriet is in or if she stayed out overnight.  I also did the weekly change out of the litter box container.  Tomorrow is garbage day and away it will go.

    Dennis and I chatted after noon lunch.  Part of the PT is to use the small floor model that assimilates a bicycle.  There is a mock-up of stairs that will also come into play.  We have four steps to get from the outside to the main floor level complete with hand rails.

    I worked for several hours on Esther’s wooden box.  It is getting close to a finish.  I have finished the stitched design to put on the circular cover.  Today I measured once, measured twice and then one more time before I cut into the fabric and begin the finishing.  I will do the cutting tomorrow.  I ironed some woven stabilizer onto the back of the stitching.  Once  I am confident that my pattern is centered, I don’t want any stretching.  I shut down the studio for the day to come up and do some stitching in my bedroom porch.

    I haven’t been in the mood for reading.  I have plenty material to while away some reading time, but . . . just not right now.

    It still is disappointing than the Canon camera doesn’t play nice with the computer.  Grr!

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:37 pm on October 13, 2024 Permalink  

    Hold On 

    Hold onto small children and small animals.  This wind is wicked.  It is not consistent, so the leaves really don’t know where to fall for a final resting spot.

    This late forenoon, AJ and his friend Dan did get the huge cabinet out of Dennis’ bedroom put in the living room.  I would have posted a photo, but . . . all is not well with at “fix.”  I will take my time reloading it in the coming days.

    Dennis’ two potted plants are in the patio porch safe from the killing frost that we all know will be coming sooner or later.

    Denise dropped off Dennis’ laundry.  The word is out that if the facility gets a hold of patient’s clothing, it may never be seen again.

    With this brisk 42-degree-feeling day, I had plans on staying home today.  On Sundays, it seems as if one of the patients get a visitor, they most likely will also get folks to drop in if familiar. Who doesn’t know Dennis!  

    Last night was the first of any stitching I had done all week.  Just as I was going to get ready for bed, I took a good look as to what the hoop held.  I have always known that the word I had just finished stitching had six letters in it.  Hmm.  Mine now had only five.  The only letter that did not need ripping out due to the spacing was the last letter.  Oh Joy!  I did clean up the mess so that the next time I stitched the start of it would feel better.

    I have had an early supper.  I call it a Dagwood sandwich, the comparison to the old Sunday paper funnies.  Two slices of bread using spinach chip dip as the butter.  A slice of cheese. some lettuce topped with oven roasted turkey lunch meat.  It was quite tasty.  Got that bit of the day over and done with.

    Curfew for the three kitties is going well.  Six may still have daylight for a few more days, but if they can’t get their traipsing around between 10 and six, they’re not doing it right.  It is remarkable how much water they go through.

    Another week is knocking at the door.  It seems as time does move faster as I am getting older.  The lesson of not putting things that need doing off, does more often than not drive my days.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on October 12, 2024 Permalink  

    Dirty Air 

    The harvest dust is in the air.  Though the county road past our home is concrete, the semis do rouse up dust.

    The farmers are hitting it hard.  Much different than when implements needed to be pulled through mud at harvest time. 

    This forenoon I had a haircut and pedicure appointment at 11:30.  It was enjoyed to no end.  Maria made out an appointment card for us in November.  I am sure Dennis will be front and center for that one.

    From Maria’s I went to the Lewis Drug for one of my prescriptions:  $3.84  is not too hard to part with.

    We did get mail from BlueCross/Blue Shield today.  Our Senior Gold policy is going up $21.00 for each of us per month.  I was expecting some kind of hike. 

    I was out and about and my next stop was room 105 to check on my ole cowboy.  He reported he is not taking anything for pain.  From the sound of it there is no shortage of table talk with other fellows at meal time.  That’s a very good thing.  His spirit is high and he looks good . . . but of course he would.

    When I left at two this afternoon, Dennis was watching the History Channel.  I did notice that the eyelids were getting heavy.

    I got the huge cabinet cleared out yesterday out of Dennis’ bedroom.  The grandsons are coming tomorrow.  I have the remainder of the afternoon off.  I am going to head to my rocking chair.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:27 pm on October 11, 2024 Permalink  

    Today the 11th 

    It is a very dry-feeling day.  

    I was going out to open the east patio sliding door this morning and had I not been super quick, Snuggles would have gotten into the house.  Sorry snuggles if the door caught you in the neck.  He had stayed out all night.  He followed me into the garage and headed straight for the food bowl.  Too bad!  At six that sliding door gets closed.

    Yesterday late afternoon, I went to the potting shed to get some things ready for Dennis’ plants to be gotten in.  We may well have freeze warnings Sunday night.  Dennis has nurtured those plants for years and they will get tucked in the patio porch when AJ stops tomorrow.  Two small plastic patio tables with containers on top of the tables.  When the potted plants sit on and in those containers, they will have water poured into the containers and the plants suck up the water from the bottom.  It forces the roots down rather then getting root bound from watering them from the top.  We repotted them this summer.  They really look good.

    I have not and will not go out to see Dennis today.  I know he gets PT twice a day.  When I had my knees replaced, I remember how tuckered out I was from a good workout.  I do know the heart halter battery needs replacing every 12 hours.  Remembering that is beyond my pay grade.

    Denise stopped in this morning to pick up his laundry I had done last night.  She gets off work at Casey’s at nine or there abouts every morning.  It works great that she can stop in to see her dad.

    I have met my objective for the day.  At the time I had made a scrappy lightweight quilt for myself, I had put it up on the north wall of our living room.  This afternoon the quilt is folded and all of the Command little stickers are off of the wall that had held it in place.  I love Command products almost as much as Amazon.

    Between now and supper time and even after supper, I will begin taking things out of the cabinet in Dennis’ bedroom, for the cabinet to be placed on the north wall of our living room.  I texted AJ the measurements of the cabinet (84 x 50 x 22) and the fact that the cabinet is 8 inches taller than the bedroom doorway.  AJ  and Ryan will tackle it tomorrow.  It is solid wood and Ryan knew he could get more help if it was needed.  Dennis has very strong grandsons.

    I was made aware yesterday that our home will be visited before Dennis comes home.  I kind of knew that was coming.  I think Medicare drives that.

    I am having frozen pizza for supper.  As Dennis doesn’t like pizza, it is a real treat for me.  Dennis commented the food at Good Sam’s is much better tasting than in the Mankato hospital.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on October 10, 2024 Permalink  

    A Warm Day 

    It does feel warm out in the sunshine, after several days of the temperatures that I like . . . cool.

    Today has been a day that has me feeling like I want to stay put for the remainder of the day.  Getting Dennis settled in Good Samaritan has been accomplished.  The correct clothes, the correct walker, an extra blanket and the phone in arm’s reach.

    As I was leaving after having a cup of coffee with Dennis, his tractor fellow and his wife came for a visit.  I think that will help pass this afternoon for him.

    Yes, his computer is set up for solitaire in his room.  I know he will have access to FB after daughter, Denise, figures out the password for “guests” of which Dennis is one.

    After seeing Dennis, I made a trip to the grocery store.  All is well.

    I have nothing new to report.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:44 pm on October 9, 2024 Permalink  

    This is Wednesday the 9th 

    It sure feels so much better having Dennis eight blocks from Stauffer, rather than 45 miles.

    A van picked him up in Mankato at 10:30 and he arrived at Good Samaritan in time for noon lunch.

    I was just leaving the house when Dennis called me and asked when I was coming to see him.  Sweet.

    It was great to see him in good spirits.  Physical therapy is on board right at the facility.  There were so many familiar names on the board as I came in the front door.  So many of the staff are familiar to Dennis and vice-versa.

    I had taken Dennis his battery-operated razor with his fu-fu good smelling after shave.  Since Friday, there had been a missing component of his CPAP machine.  I knew we had a spare part here at home, so I know he will get a better sleep tonight using his machine.  He had a heart halter on the entire time he was in Mankato, so there was no threat of him getting in trouble without using the CPAP.  He has been sleeping and many times napping with it for 17 years without fail.

    Dennis will be wearing a heart halter for the next two weeks, just to make sure all is as it should be.

    The nurse came in and allowed him to know she was going over his charts and saw that he was a smoker.  She asked Dennis if he wanted a patch that would simulate nicotine.  Dennis passed on that offer.  Hopefully that is a great sign of things to come.

    I know, I will be visiting him most often every day.  Everything is under control here in our tiny home.

    The boxelders are fighting the beetles for space on the screens as I am sitting at my desk typing, with windows facing south.

    I know the Schwan’s ice cream company is no more, but a van with the same color combinations and no signage just went down Stauffer.  Someone is getting their ice cream fix.

    This was a wonderful hump day, with many more to come.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥ 

  • Noreen 3:05 pm on October 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Quiet Day 

    Perhaps no news is good news.

    Both of Dennis’ daughters have allowed me to know that Dennis is not answering his phone.  Well . . . he may not be in his room.  Lots of tests that my ole sweet cowboy may be in need of out in various parts of the hospital.

    I do know that he signed his own consent form for the hip surgery.  He is of sound mind if he needed to sign a form again.

    Daughter Sandy said she would stop in to see him after her shift of nursing in New Ulm.

    I can report that two of Dennis’ kitties did not make it in for last night’s curfew.  Six is when I give “last call.”  The little lightweight was at the garage door this morning when she heard me unlock the house door.

    Slowly I have been using my Swiffer wet wipes to do the floors of the weekend’s activity.  I feel better knowing that all smears and grime have been attended to from the front door through to the bathroom.  A weekend as we had here, oh my gosh, I was thankful to not have had carpeting or any rugs for that matter that needed attention.

    We had a bill to pay from the last of the tree work that was done.  Dennis and Ryan had agreed on the cost and it was cash on the barrel-head.  Dennis had called me to get ahold of Ryan, so I could clear the debt.  Ryan stopped in at seven last night.  I felt better having paid the hard working fellow and not having the cash in the house.

    I have been taking breaks in my bedroom porch doing some stitching in between doing the floors.  Floors are now done, Dennis’ fresh bedding is ready for him to enjoy when he comes home.  Busy hands are good.  

    With these many more days of having PT come to his room. I can only imagine the new hip is getting used to the movements.  Sandy had stayed with him for some time yesterday late afternoon and he had done his share of exercising.  Actually, one of my prayers is that with each passing day of Dennis being in a facility, the urge for a cigarette may be diminishing.  One can only pray. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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