Bad Day
Even Snuggles can have a bad day. Dennis relayed that Snuggles got on his lap this morning and meowed in the lowest slowest meow he had ever heard coming from a cat. It had sounded more like a cry than not. Though the garage never gets colder than 40 degrees, even kitties can get cabin fever.
Though I have quarantined myself to the first floor of our home until our temperatures are over zero outside, I do commiserate with anyone that is feeling hemmed in. Thankfully, neither Dennis nor I feel the need to be out and about. Yesterday’s outing to the clinic did us just fine.
Dennis’ grandson, Ryan, stopped in this morning for a minute. Ryan is a huge ice-fisherman. The ice on our lake outside of town is about 15-18 inches thick. Burr! As we left the clinic yesterday, we did do a whip around town. By the huge number of fishhouses on the northwest portion of the lake, it seems that fish are biting, or . . . its a place for fellows to retreat to.
I can report that I am having a day, one after another, that they for sure are not bad days.
With that I will take my leave. ♥